Learn more about the state and trends in international carbon markets "State and Trends of Carbon Pricing: International Carbon Markets
Learn more about the state and trends in international carbon markets "State and Trends of Carbon Pricing: International Carbon Markets
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Our Initiatives
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Our Initiatives

The World Bank Group played a pioneering role in the development of carbon markets under the Kyoto Protocol, and has substantively ramped up its climate commitments since the 2015 Paris Agreement. Leveraging its expertise, convening power and competitive advantage, the Bank Group is committed to continue playing a central role in developing the next generation of climate markets and enhancing its carbon pricing policy development and implementation support to client countries.

Enhance global ambition by advocating for markets, building capacity and mobilizing capital for resilient and low carbon growth
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Key Initiatives

The Bank Group Climate Group’s strategy on climate markets and innovation emphasizes the need to enhance global ambition by advocating for markets, building capacity and mobilizing capital for resilient and low carbon growth.


To support these goals, the World Bank’s efforts focus on assisting client countries design and deploy explicit carbon pricing policies that are appropriate to their domestic context and compatible with their sustainable development priorities; as well as catalyzing the development of the next generation of international carbon markets through pilots.

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Carbon Funds

Carbon Funds are established by the World Bank to develop emission reduction projects and support their purchase through the provision of carbon finance investments.


Piloting and financing innovative solutions and mechanisms to provide access for all countries, following the guidelines under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement.

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Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF)

A global partnership of governments, businesses, civil society, and indigenous people's organizations focused on reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, forest carbon stock conservation, the sustainable management of forests, and the enhancement of forest carbon stocks in developing countries, activities commonly referred to as REDD+.

Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF)
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Flagship Analytical Work

Working closely with our global partners and experts to provide analytics and data on important topics such as carbon pricing design, implementation, and financing.


Current reports, data and analysis to inform an international audience of the progress being made on carbon pricing and implementation

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Innovate4Climate (I4C)

A platform that promotes dialogue among the public and private sector on innovative ways to mobilize finance towards climate action. It is the preeminent global conference where leaders from government, industry, business, finance, and technology, gather to envision the next generation of climate-smart solutions with the potential to transform the global economy

Innovate4Climate (I4C)